With this lovely bouquet of 99 red roses, you can reveal a magnificent gesture of affection and gratitude. Each rose is expertly arranged to produce a breathtaking and sumptuous display, accented by its deep, passionate hue and thick, velvety petals. The bouquet is tastefully wrapped in glossy black paper, which contrasts with the bright reds of the roses to provide a hint of contemporary refinement. This arrangement is perfect for honouring moments of tremendous significance and expressing meaningful thoughts. It is perfect for leaving a lasting impression.
Product Details:
99 Red roses.
Black colour non woven paper wrapping.
Elegantly tried with marron satin ribbon.
Fillers- green fillers kamini leaves.
Delivery Information
The image displayed is indicative in nature.
actual products may vary in shape or design as per availability.
Flowers may be delivered in the fully bloomed, semi-bloomed, or bud stage due to seasonal impact.
The chosen delivery time is an estimate and depends on the availability of the product and the destination to which you want the product to be delivered.
Since flowers are perishable in nature, we will be able to attempt delivery of your order only once.
The delivery cannot be redirected to any other address.
Occasionally, substitution of flowers is necessary due to temporary and/or regional unavailability issues and to avoid delay in your order.
Care instruction.
When you receive the flowers, just trim the stems and put them in water.
Re-cut 1-2 of the stems at a 45-degree angle.
Use a clean vase and fresh water.
Remove the leaves below the waterline, but do not remove all leaves along the stem length.
Check the water level daily and replenish as required.
Do not place flowers in direct sunlight or near any other source of excessive heat.
All flowers benefit from a daily mist of water.
Enjoy the positivity of the flowers!
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